Library and Technology Services is pleased to announce that Lehigh will make the eduroam service available for visiting participating higher education community members such as researchers, faculty, staff, and students.

What is eduroam?

In 2019, LTS announced the availability of eduroam for Lehigh community members to travel to other institutions or higher education conferences. Eduroam is a secure, worldwide wireless roaming access service for the international research and education community. Eduroam allows the Lehigh community to obtain secure Internet access while visiting other participating institutions using your Lehigh credentials to sign into the wireless network. 

At the time, we did not enable the feature to allow visiting community members to use eduroam while visiting Lehigh. Starting on November 14th, the “eduroam” SSID wireless network will be available.

How to connect to eduroam for visitors

Visiting eduroam users can use the “eduroam” SSID to securely connect to the wireless network using their institution's credentials. The Lehigh community on campus should continue to use “lehigh” for secure wireless access to campus resources.

How to connect to eduroam for Lehigh community visiting other institutions

When visiting other institutions that offer eduroam, use the “eduroam” SSID to securely connect to the wireless network using your Lehigh credentials. For reference, eduroam is available at these locations.

Reminder: Eduroam is an opt-in service where you must submit a request. To learn more about eduroam, visit our eduroam guide.

If you have any questions about configuring or using eduroam, please contact the LTS Help Desk at (610) 758-4357 or email


Library and Technology Services